Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Christian Bok  Tokenklage by Hugo Ball  Segue Reading Series / NY, May-19-2001 
 2. Christian Bok  Tokenklage by Hugo Ball  Segue Reading Series / NY, May-19-2001 
 3. Christian Bok  Hugo Ball's Totenklage   
 4. Christian Bok  Hugo Ball's Totenklage   
 5. Christian Bok  Sound Poem by Hugo Ball  Segue Reading Series / NY, May-19-2001 
 6. Christian Bök  Totenklage by Hugo Ball, 1916  Explodity: An Evening of Transrational Sound Poetry at The Getty Research Institute, Feb 4, 2009, Part 2 
 7. Christian Bök  Totenklage by Hugo Ball, 1916  Explodity: An Evening of Transrational Sound Poetry at The Getty Research Institute, Feb 4, 2009, Part 2 
 8. Christian Bok  Sound Poem by Hugo Ball  Segue Reading Series / NY, May-19-2001 
 9. Christian Bök  Seepferdchen und Flugfische by Hugo Ball, 1916  Explodity: An Evening of Transrational Sound Poetry at The Getty Research Institute, Feb 4, 2009, Part 2 
 10. Christian Bök  Seepferdchen und Flugfische by Hugo Ball, 1916  Explodity: An Evening of Transrational Sound Poetry at The Getty Research Institute, Feb 4, 2009, Part 2 
 11. Jerome Rothenberg  A Glass Tube Ecstasy for Hugo Ball  California-Italia 
 12. Jerome Rothenberg  A Glass Tube Ecstasy for Hugo Ball, with music by Bertram Turetzky  Rockdrill 6, Sightings 
 13. Jerome Rothenberg  A Glass Tube Ecstasy for Hugo Ball, with music by Bertram Turetzky  Rockdrill 6, Sightings 
 14. Wild, Earl  Amid the noise of the ball, song for voice and piano, Op. 38/3: No.3, At the Ball  Earl Wild: Virtuoso Piano Transcriptions 
 15. Wild, Earl  Amid the noise of the ball, song for voice and piano, Op. 38/3: No.3, At the Ball  Earl Wild: Virtuoso Piano Transcriptions 
 16. info@salesroundup.com  SRP 060515 See the Ball . . . Be the Ball . . . Goal setting Sales Podcast  The SalesRoundup Podcast 
 17. Schobert & Black  Hugo  Lebend 
 18. Intakto  Go Hugo  Todavia 
 19. Jens-Christian Huus  Skaermtrolden Hugo  sid.oth4.com 
 20. J.A. Cebrian  Victor Hugo  Pasajes de la Historia 
 21. Vincent Durrenberger  victor hugo  Podcast francais facile 
 22. Airn LeBus  Billy Hugo  Songs from CJ 
 23. Hugo Swing - Sal Pa La Calle H  Hugo Swing - Sal Pa La Calle H  HotLawrence.com 
 24. A Critical Mick Unruly Review  Headbanger by Hugo Hamilton  www.criticalmick.com 
 25. Albert Meier  Einführung / Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Ein Brief  http://www.literaturwissenschaft-online.de 
 26. emilio ruiz  Hugo Gutiérrez Vega  www.archivosonoro.org 
 27. alba  Man and Woman Victor Hugo  Alba's podcasts 
 28. gspn.tv  gspn.tv - Everybody Loves Hugo Review  LostPodcast.com 
 29. Daniel Mermet  Hugo Chavez - Daniel Mermet  Sous-Délégué Zéro - 03 mar 06 
 30. Da Capo al Fine  Hugo Aisemberg: una vita per il tango  Da Capo al Fine 
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